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Scale: 1/35

This 3D-printed model barrel is intended for 1/35 scale models of Germany's famous Panzerkampfwagen VI "Tiger I" Sd.Kfz.181, Ausfuhrung E, heavy tank of World War II.


  • scaled measurements match those of a surviving, fully restored and operational Tiger I preserved at the Bovington Museum in the United Kingdom
  • barrel includes the Inner Sleeve (Seelenrohr) and integrated Outer Jacket (Mantelrohr)
  • detailed Muzzle Brake with hex-head bolt detail for Muzzle Brake mounting bolt
  • open bore to exactly 88 scale millimeters in diameter.
  • barrel extends from the Muzzle Brake all the way to the breech but does NOT include the breech itself (see notice below)
  • does NOT include the Outer Fixed Sleeve (Schutzenrohr) which was bolted to the mantle on the real Tiger I


Notice: the length of different plastic kit manufacturers' Tiger I barrels varies.  Depending on which plastic Tiger I kit you own, this barrel may need to be cut shorter at the breech end for best fit.  Compare the length of this 3D-printed barrel to the barrel in your plastic kit.  If necessary, cut this 3D-printed model barrel to match the length of your plastic kit's barrel.


This part is made of acrylic plastic.  Acrylic plastic does not behave like injection-molded polystyrene plastic or other resins.  Glues for polystyrene plastic, like "Testors Liquid Cement" or tube cement, will not work with acrylic plastic.  Cyanoacrylate (CA) "super glue" is recommended.


© Model Monkey LLC.  This 3D-printed product may not be copied or recast.

From Wikipedia: "Tiger I is the common name of a German heavy tank developed in 1942 and used in World War II. The final official German designation was Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E, often shortened to Tiger. The Tiger I gave the Wehrmacht its first tank which mounted the 88 mm gun in its first armoured fighting vehicle-dedicated version: the KwK 36. During the course of the war, the Tiger I saw combat on all German battlefronts. It was usually deployed in independent heavy tank battalions, which proved highly effective.

"The 8.8 cm KwK 36 L/56 (German: 8,8 cm Kampfwagenkanone 36 L/56) was an 88 mm electrically fired tank gun used by the German Heer during World War II. This was the primary weapon of the PzKpfw VI Tiger I tank. It was developed and built by Krupp.  

"Though it shared the same caliber as the renowned German "88", the FlaK 36 88 mm gun anti-aircraft and anti-tank gun, the KwK 36 was not derived from it. There are similarities, but the two must be considered merely parallel designs. The KwK 36 could fire the same ammunition as the FlaK 18 or 36, differing only in primer: percussion for the FlaK, electric for the KwK 36. Also the ballistics were identical and both guns had a 56 caliber barrel. The KwK 36 was built to practically the same design as the 7.5 cm and 5.0 cm guns already used in German tanks, but with the structure scaled up considerably. The breech ring was square in section and 320 millimetres (13 in) on a side. The breech block was of vertical falling wedge type and operated semi-automatically, meaning that after firing the empty cartridge case was automatically ejected, while the breech cocked itself and remained open, ready to receive the next round.

"L56 refers to the barrel length; the inside diameter of a gun barrel is one "caliber". In this gun, L56 means the barrel was 56 calibers long, or 56 times 88 mm = 4,928 mm, or almost 5 metres (16 ft). A longer gun barrel allows the expanding gas from the shell's charge to act on the projectile longer than a short barrel, imparting it more velocity and force. For the Tiger II's 88 mm Kwk 43 L/71, 71 times 88 mm is 6248 mm, over 6 metres (20 ft) long.

"The exceptional performance of the KwK 36 made it one of the most infamous tank guns of its time. It was very accurate, high-powered, and its high muzzle velocity produced a very flat trajectory. This allowed its gunners a higher margin of error in estimating range, both helping and being partly responsible for the gun's accuracy."

The dimensions of this barrel match measurements published by expert Tiger I historian and researcher David Byrden on his website "".

1/35 Tiger I 88mm KwK 36 L/56 Barrel

SKU: 35-TigerI-88mmBarrel
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