Scale: 1/72
Recommended for:
- Revell 1/72 scale US Navy Gato-Class Submarine (# 05047)
- Revell 1/72 scale US Navy Gato-Class Submarine (# 85-0384)
- The Scale Shipyard 1/72 scale USS Hardhead SS-365 (Balao class)
This model fairwater is intended to help convert your 1/72 scale Gato class submarine model into one of 122 World War Two-era Balao class submarines, successor to the Gato class. The Balao class had a differently shaped fairwater (sail/conning tower) than the earlier Gato class although the hull was nearly identical externally. This model has features specific to USSBalao SS-285 as it appeared during 1945. It can be adapted to other boats of the class with similar features.
This model was designed based on US Navy drawings. The Balao fairwater is not the same size and shape of a Gato fairwater, it is much shorter at the aft end. Some adjustment of your plastic Revell Gato kit's deck part will be necessary for best fit including scribing deck planking aft of the fairwater.
This model includes a set of hatches and ready service ammunition locker doors.
Although details varied widely between boats, the persicope shears and radar mast configuration depicted by this model is known to have been fit to the following Balao class boats:
- SS-285 Balao
- SS-286 Billfish
- SS-287 Bowfin
- SS-288 Cabrilla
- SS-291 Crevalle
- SS-297 Ling
- SS-308 Apogon
- SS-311 Archerfish
- SS-319 Becuna
- SS-321 Besugo
- SS-383 Pampanito
- SS-384 Parche
- SS-402 Sea Fox
- SS-404 Spikefish
- SS-409 Piper
- SS-413 Spot
- SS-415 Stickleback
- SS-426 Tusk
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